Shane Warne Cricket Cheats

Go to Classic Matches & under password, type -
Solidoak    For unbreakable stumps
Superman   For big hitters
Pensions     To enable World XI Squad
Bigballs       To play with a beachball
Dropball      Fieldsmen have butterfingers
Sunshine    Play at beach grounds
Superman  Strong Batsmen
Chrisrea      Helmet Cam

To Activate Classic Matches:
Here are the passwords:
Match 2 - OVERTIME
Match 3 - SAUSAGES
Match 4 - DILLBERT
Match 5 - BATKINGS
Match 6 - PANCAKES
Match 7 - FRIEDEGG
Match 8 - PLACEBO1
Match 9 - CLUELESS
Match 10 - NOWAYEAS

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